Watch lego batman movie online
Watch lego batman movie online

watch lego batman movie online watch lego batman movie online

They're completely different versions of the character, so they can't be judged the same. The comparisons will always be made, I mean it's Batman, but the less the continuation is like what came before it, the more you avoid those comparisons. We already saw the dark and brooding Batman and I don't think anyone can top what Nolan and his crew did with the character, so why even bother? To avoid the inevitable comparisons, you would have needed to move away from that. Having said all of that, as much as I did love the Dark Knight trilogy, I felt that whoever took up the mantle of Batman needed to take the franchise and the character in a completely different direction. And, as a whole, The Dark Knight trilogy is tremendous and, in my opinion (again), no superhero franchise has even come close, MCU or otherwise. It's also one of my favorite movies ever to boot.

watch lego batman movie online

It is a thing of crime drama beauty that transcends the limitations of the genre. Or rather, I should say, my favorite of them all. In my opinion The Dark Knight is the best superhero movie of all time. To this day, if you were to ask me who would be my favorite superhero, I'd still say Batman. I dressed up as both many times, mostly Batman than the latter. Seriously though, it should be noted that, as a young boy, my favorite superheroes were Batman and Wolverine. What the fuck is this? I've seen two good DC movies in a row? What? Has hell frozen over, it must have, because this hasn't happened, really, ever.

Watch lego batman movie online